Photo Galleries
Photo Galleries
Photo Gallery
Standard Rental Units
10×28 with 8’x7′ garage style door (9′ high walls)
11×24 with Man Door
8×14 office (walk in door, 2 (4’x4′ windows)
Fully insulated and electrical installed
10×20 office
6.6×14 Steel Container
8×20 1 Trip container
Custom Design Examples
Onsite Guest House (13×20) Chelan
Siding matching house
Tiny House Deck
Boys and Girls shower/bathroom
Timberline Business (10×16)
Timberline Business (10×16)
Exposed electrical for washer and dryer side
8×10 Ticket Booth (NCW Fair)
Rocky Pond Winery (8×12)
Onsite Garden Shed (6×9)
Light Brown, white trim (10×20)
Andreas Keller, Inc (11×30)
Chelan Co Fire #3 (10×12)
Brown Exterior, Red Metal Roof & Door
Canyon View Group Home (10×20)
White Exterior, Black Roof
Tan Exterior with Barn Style doors (10×20)
Tiny House (Chelan)
Snowplow Box (10×6)
Siding to match owners house, barn style door
Single sloped roof (11×24)
9′ high walls
Eastmont School District (10×28)
Leavenworth (12x22wPorch)
Icicle Train Station
Custom Playhouse
Board and batten siding, barn doors, loft inside, windows (8×14)
White exterior, steel walk in door, window, green metal roof (8×14)
12×28 Custom, walk in door, windows, metal roof
8×14 Walk in door, 6′ roll-up door, skylight
9×12 Pump House
Pump House (8×8)
Steel walk in door
Hip Garden Shed (10×16)
Walk in door, windows
10×20 with Barn style doors
6×12 Dog House
Red garden Shed
12×16 Cabin
(Cedar lap siding)
Cedar Lap siding matching house (12×16)
Pump House
10×20 Green Exterior with white door
10×16 with 4′ porch, steel door and windows
10×20 with side door and metal roof
Golf Cart shed
10×20 side door